EuroTech PhD Program Grant,
PI [EUR 235'000], 2024--2028.
EHCI Collaborative Grant (quantum technologies),
PI [EUR 150'000], 2023--2025.
4TU Collaboration Grant from the Netherlands Institute for Research on Information and Computer Technology (4TU.NIRICT),
co-PI [EUR 15'000], 2022--2023.
Horizon Europe Doctoral Network Grant (MSCA-DN) of the European Commission, co-PI [EUR 2 million], 2022--2026.
Excellent Course Evaluation Award (teaching award) from Eindhoven University of Technology, 2022.
Early Career Award of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands -- KNAW [EUR 15'000], 2021
(TU/e press release, KNAW press release).
VIDI Grant of the Dutch Research Council NWO, PI [EUR 1.1 million], 2021--2026
(press release).
Visitor Grant of the DIAMANT Cluster, the Netherlands (with A. Gruica), 2021.
Science-KLEIN Grant of the Dutch Research Council NWO,
PI [EUR 309'000], 2021--2025.
Excellent Course Evaluation Award (teaching award) from Eindhoven University of Technology, 2021.
Visitor Grant of the DIAMANT Cluster, the Netherlands, 2020.
Ambizione Research Grant of the Swiss Science Foundation, PI [CHF 586'000], 2019--2023 --- declined.
Dissemination and Outputs Award from University College Dublin, Ireland, 2019.
Nexans Prize 2017 from the Nexans Foundation Switzerland, for "the brilliant international academic
path and the remarkable contributions to coding theory" [CHF 20'000], 2017 (press release).
Postdoc Grant of the Irish Research Council, PI [EUR 92'000], 2017--2019 --- declined.
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (H2020, Mathematics), PI [EUR 176'000], 2017--2019.
Prize "L. Du Pasquier et L. Perrier" of the University of Neuchâtel, for
the best Ph.D. thesis of the Faculty of Science in the academic year 2015-16, 2016.
Mobility Grant of the Swiss Science Foundation, PI [CHF 67'000], 2016--2018.
Scholarship of the Italian
Institute for Mathematics INdAM (success rate 6.5%), 2007--2010.
Indirect funding as postdoc mentor (not PI):
Mobility Grant of the Swiss Science Foundation to Violetta Weger, 2022--2024.
Marie Curie EuroTech Postdoc Grant to
Violetta Weger (with TU/e as co-host), 2022--2024.
Mobility Grant of the Swiss Science Foundation to Gianira N. Alfarano, 2022--2024.
Marie Curie EuroTech Postdoc Grant to
Elena Berardini, 2021--2023.
Visiting Postdoc Fellowship of the Italian "Accademia dei Lincei" to
Ferdinando Zullo, 2021.
Travel awards:
travel support from several institutions in connection with research visits, 2014 -- present;
travel award from ICERM (Brown University), 2018;
5 travel awards from the Swiss Mathematical Society, 2013--16;
7 travel awards from the COST Action IC1104 "Random Network Codes and Designs over GF(q)", 2013--16;
financial support from the Twinning Project n. 692178 (H2020), 2016;
travel award from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2015;
travel award from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2013.
Smaller student awards:
Springer Best Talk Award at the Swiss Graduate Colloquium, Lausanne, 2015.
Springer Best Talk Award at the Swiss Graduate Colloquium, Fribourg, 2013.
Student Prize of the University of Trento, Italy, for academic records, 2013.
Prize from the Italian Ministry of Education for school records, 2007.