Densities of codes of various linearity degrees
in translation-invariant metric spaces (with A. Gruica, A.-L. Horlemann, N. Willenborg).
Submitted,, 2022.
Rank-metric codes, semifields, and the average critical problem (with A. Gruica, J. Sheekey, F. Zullo).
Submitted,, 2022.
Generalized weights of codes over rings and invariants of monomial ideals (with E. Gorla).
Submitted,, 2022.
Rank-metric codes and their parameters (with A. Gruica and A. B. Kılıç).
Submitted (invited book chapter, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics), 2022.
Network decoding against restricted adversaries (with with A. Beemer and A. B. Kılıç).
Proceedings of MTNS 2022, to appear.
Dual-code bounds on multiple concurrent (local) data recovery (with G. N. Alfarano and E. Soljanin).
Proceedings of ISIT 2022, to appear.
Linear cutting blocking sets and minimal codes in the rank metric (with G. Alfarano, M. Borello, A. Neri).
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, to appear.
The curious case of the Diamond Network
(with A. Beemer).
Extended abstract (refereed) at WCC 2022.
Anticodes in the sum-rank metric
(with E. Byrne, H. Gluesing-Luerssen).
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, to appear.
Common complements of linear subspaces and the sparseness of MRD codes
(with A. Gruica).
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, to appear.
Parameters of codes for the binary asymmetric channel
(with G. Cotardo).
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, to appear.
Three combinatorial perspectives on minimal codes
(with G. N. Alfarano, M. Borello, A. Neri).
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
Whitney numbers of combinatorial geometries and higher-weight Dowling lattices.
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, to appear.
The typical non-linear code over large alphabets
(with A. Gruica).
Proceedings of ITW 2021, to appear.
Fundamental properties of sum-rank-metric codes
(with E. Byrne, H. Gluesing-Luerssen).
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, to appear.
Rank-metric codes, generalized binomial moments and their zeta functions
(with E. Byrne, G. Cotardo).
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 604 (2020), 1, pp. 92--128.
Partitions of matrix spaces with an application to q-rook polynomials
(with H. Gluesing-Luerssen).
European Journal of Combinatorics, 89 (2020).
Partition-balanced families of codes and asymptotic enumeration in coding theory (with E. Byrne).
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 171 (2020).
Rank-metric codes and q-polymatroids (with E. Gorla, R. Jurrius, H. López).
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 52 (2020), pp. 1--19.
Matrix codes and rook theory.
In the Oberwolfach Report of the conference "Contemporary Coding Theory" (ID 1912), 2019.
Tensor representation of rank-metric codes
(with E. Byrne, A. Neri, J. Sheekey).
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 3 (2019), 4, pp. 614--643.
An Assmus-Mattson theorem for rank-metric codes
(with E. Byrne).
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 33 (2019), 3, pp. 1242--1260.
On the sparsity of MRD codes
(with E. Byrne).
Proceedings of WCC 2019.
Adversarial network coding (with F. R. Kschischang).
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65 (2019), 1, pp. 198 -- 219.
Duality of codes supported on regular lattices, with an
application to enumerative combinatorics.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 86 (2018), 9, pp. 2035 -- 2063.
Codes endowed with the rank metric
(with E. Gorla).
In "Network Coding and Subspace Designs", M. Greferath, M. O. Pavčević, N.
Silberstein and M. Á. Vázquez-Castro -- Eds., Springer, 2018.
An algebraic framework for
end-to-end physical-layer network coding
(with E. Gorla).
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64 (2018), 6, pp. 4480 -- 4495.
Matrix codes with the rank metric and their covering radii
(with E. Byrne).
Proceedings of MTNS 2018.
Weight distribution of rank-metric codes
(with J. de la Cruz, E. Gorla, H. López).
Designs, Codes and Cryptography,
86 (2018), 1, pp. 1--16.
Covering radius of matrix codes endowed with the rank metric
(with E. Byrne).
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31 (2017), 2, pp. 927 -- 944.
Subspace codes from Ferrers diagrams
(with E. Gorla).
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 16 (2017), n. 7.
On the rank-metric covering radius
(with E. Byrne).
Proceedings of WCC 2017.
Optimal Ferrers diagram rank-metric
codes (with T. Etzion, E. Gorla, A. Wachter-Zeh).
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64 (2016), n. 4, pp. 1616 -- 1630.
Generalized weights: An anticode approach.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 220 (2016), n. 5, pp.
1946 -- 1962.
Equidistant subspace codes (with E. Gorla).
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 490 (2016), pp. 48 -- 65.
Rank-metric codes and their duality theory.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography,
80 (2016), n. 1, pp. 197--216.
Embedding Suzuki curves in (with
E. Ballico).
Journal of Commutative Algebra, 7 (2015), n. 2, pp. 149 -- 166.
Subspace codes from Ferrers diagrams
(with E. Gorla).
Proceedings of MEGA 2015.
A zero-dimensional approach to Hermitian codes
(with E. Ballico).
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 219 (2015), n. 4, pp.
1031 -- 1044.
On the geometry of Hermitian one-point codes
(with E. Ballico).
Journal of Algebra, 397 (2014), pp. 499 -- 514.
Partial spreads in random network coding
(with E. Gorla).
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 26 (2014), pp. 104 -- 115.
On the dual minimum-weight codewords of one-point
Goppa codes
(with E. Ballico).
Proceedings of MTNS 2014.
Classification of binary systematic codes of
small defect.
Le Matematiche, 69 (2014), n. 1, pp. 275 -- 284.
The dual geometry of Hermitian two-point codes
(with E. Ballico).
Discrete Mathematics, 313 (2013), n. 23, pp. 2687 -- 2695.
On the dual minimum distance and minimum weight of codes from a quotient of the Hermitian curve
(with E. Ballico).
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 24 (2013),
n. 5, pp. 343 -- 354.
Projective normality of Artin-Schreier curves
(with E. Ballico).
Le Matematiche, 68 (2013), n. 2, pp. 91 -- 98.
On the duals of geometric Goppa codes from
norm-trace curves
(with E.
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 20 (2013), pp. 30 -- 39.
Coding Theory (lecture notes, available
Eindhoven University of Technology and Dutch MasterMath Program.
Properties and constructions of codes with the rank and the subspace metric.
Ph.D. thesis, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 2016.
On Goppa codes on the Hermitian curve.
M.Sc. thesis, University of Trento, Italy, 2012.
Selected topics in algebraic geometry.
B.Sc. thesis, University of Trento, Italy, 2009.