At TU/e, the Netherlands
Coding Theory 2023/24 (MasterMath).
The course page is here.
Coding Theory 2022/23 (MasterMath).
The course page is here.
The Effectiveness of Mathematics 2022/23 (2WH10 at TU/e).
The course material can be found on Canvas.
Coding Theory 2021/22 (MasterMath).
The course page is here.
The Effectiveness of Mathematics 2021/22 (2WH10 at TU/e).
The course material can be found on Canvas.
- Coding Theory 2020/21 (MasterMath + 2MMC30 at TU/e).
The course page is here.
The Effectiveness of Mathematics 2020/21 (2WH10 at TU/e).
The course material can be found on Canvas.
- Coding Theory 2019/20 (2MMC30 at TU/e).
The course material can be found on Canvas.
At UCD, Ireland
- Matrix Algebra 2019/20 (MATH10200 at UCD).
The course material is on BrightSpace.
- Matrix Algebra 2018/19 (MATH10200 at UCD), guest lecturer.
The course material is on BrightSpace.
- An Intro to Coding Theory 2018/19 (MATH30180 at UCD), guest lecturer.
The course material is on BrightSpace.
At UniNE, Switzerland
Teaching assistant, in the period 2012--2016, for the following courses:
- Coding Theory,
- Cryptography,
- Matroid Theory,
- Topology,
- Numerical Analysis,
- Calculus,
- Vector Analysis,
- Stochastic Processes.
- Invited lecturer at the graduate school "Algebraic and Geometric Techniques in Contemporary Coding Theory and Cryptography",
University of Campania L. Vanvitelli, Italy, July 2022.
- Invited lecturer for a graduate course on contemporary coding theory, University of Verona, Italy, April 2022.
- Invited lecturer at the graduate school "Algebraic Coding Theory", University of Zurich, Switzerland, June 2021.
- Invited lecturer at the graduate school "International Workshop on Cryptography and Coding Theory" for a
course on network coding and rank-metric codes, SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, India, March 2021.
- Invited lecturer for a MSc course on coding theory at the University of Iaşi, Romania, in the framework ofthe Horizon
2020 Twinning Project n. 692178, April 2016.